
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Digital Holiday Season

 Can you believe it's November?  Ready or not the Holiday season is upon us and we want to make things easy for you this year.  Are you looking for a unique and heartfelt gift idea?  What better Holiday gifts for family and friends than precious memories transferred to DVDs?  

What better Holiday gifts for family and friends than precious memories transferred from old video tapes?
Do you have priceless old tapes scattered about and in a variety of different formats?  Do you have old 8mm, Super8 or 16mm home movies in your basement, garage or attic?  What about slides and photographs?  Special moments weren't captured to be lying around in the dark!!  They were meant to be viewed and enjoyed!
Imagine those treasures organized into one convenient, durable and attractive package!  Imagine the appreciation your loved ones will have for this one-of-a-kind gift.  And so easy - because we'll do all the work.

Our website!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

October Treats!



What a great month for recalling fond memories and creating new ones! 

International Home Movie Day is October 19th, so get your home movies together and come by all this month to get them transferred to DVD early.  Your family's home movies to DVD make a unique and memorable Holiday Gift! The following is from the Home Movie Day website:
 What Is Home Movie Day?

Home Movie Day is a celebration of amateur films and filmmaking held annually at many local venues worldwide. Home Movie Day events provide the opportunity for individuals and families to see and share their own home movies with an audience of their community, and to see their neighbors' in turn. It's a chance to discover why to care about these films and to learn how best to care for them.
"There's no such thing as a bad home movie. These mini-underground opuses are revealing, scary, joyous, always flawed, filled with accidental art and shout out from attics and closets all over the world to be seen again. Home Movie Day is an orgy of self-discovery, a chance for family memories to suddenly become show business. If you've got one, whip it out and show it now."
-- John Waters

"Home Movie Day is the perfect opportunity for people to connect with our past and to move the conversation about preserving our cultural heritage into the future."
 -- Ken Burns
"The films you'll see at Home Movie Day enable those of us who weren't around at the time to visit moments like the New York World's Fair of 1939-1940, and I for one can't get enough of those. Documentary filmmakers build whole features around such footage, and I'm sure historians will continue to rely on amateur movies to tell them what life was like in 20th century America."
 -- Leonard Maltin

"Home Movie Day is important because our lives, our recollections, and our truth is recorded in home movies. One day, what the heck, c'mon!”
 -- Steve Martin

"Home Movie Day! What a fantastic idea -- culture isn't just the stuff that the studios make, it's what we make of it. Content isn't king, conversation is -- and what better conversation-starters than the significant moments of your neighbours' lives?"
 -- Cory Doctorow

"Saving our film heritage should not be limited only to commercially produced films. Home movies do not just capture the important private moments of our family's lives, but they are historical and cultural documents as well. Consider Abraham Zapruder's 8mm film that recorded the assassination of President Kennedy or Nickolas Muray's famously vibrant color footage of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera shot with his 16mm camera. Imagine how different our view of history would be without these precious films. Home Movie Day is a celebration of these films and the people who shot them. I urge anyone with an interest in learning more about how to care for and preserve their own personal memories to join in the festivities being offered in their community..."
 -- Martin Scorsese

Did You Know?
- Home movies have been named to the Library of Congress's National Film Registry, alongside popular and esteemed classics such as Citizen Kane, Star Wars, and King Kong. - While your home movies may be easier to watch in a digital or video copy, the original films, with proper care and storage, can last DECADES longer than new media formats.
- A growing number of local archives, museums, and historical societies are interested in collecting home movies of regular people--not just celebrities and major events.
Show Your Home Movies
Your home movies are probably a lot more interesting than you remember! Most Home Movie Day events are free and open to the public, and offer expert evaluation of films brought in by participants, as well as an opportunity to see your very own films in an open screening. If you have home movies on film that you've never seen, or haven't watched since you inherited them from your grandparents--don't let your films decay! Take them to Home Movie Day! Click here to find the Home Movie Day event nearest you.