
Friday, August 29, 2008

You can't fight in here....

Today I have lost my blogginity.  Join me  as I lay bare my inner most musings on life, business and the state of the union.  I will share photos, videos, links of interest to only myself and intermittent ramblings. I will mix business with pleasure, pain with joy and success with failure.

I am a film and video editor and I have started a new post production company, Home Video Studio in Portland, Oregon.  Check out some ancient history in the Internet Movie Database.

I am learning the business of business and incorporating my creative side. (upper left kinda in the back) We encourage responses to the content and welcome any thoughts or concerns. Feel free to vent, complain, critique, question, and ridicule.

What I am thinking about today...

I am born and raised in New Orleans, and as we approach the third anniversary of the flood I watch the approaching Gustav and the dreaded cone of error. Ironic timing by the powers that be whoever they may be.  Three years ago I watched, helpless and in horror as a major American city was destroyed by our own ineptitude.  It could happen again soon. View history repeat itself.  I recently visited my old neighborhood, what remains anyway, via Google maps 1343 Gardena Drive 70122.  I think all of you out there in blog land should visit too.  

So as the summer ends and the political season heats up I immerse myself in family, my new business and impending doom out of my reach.  Be advised that all communication will not be so dire.

What I am reading : Clapton: An Autobigraphy
What I am watching:  Obama and Pre season NFL
What I am listening to: Stevie Ray Vaughn - Texas Flood

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