
Monday, May 17, 2010

Summertime - and the DVDs are Easy

You've probably noticed that your video camera becomes your constant companion in the summertime. Ball games, barbecues and beaches. Fireworks, friends and family vacations. All those moments from summers past have produced mountains of memories. Life's precious memories that are "somewhere" in a truckload of tape. How do you manage it all? Let us sort out the summers past and plan the summer ahead with a delightful presentation called a FamilyTIME £ Video. What's a FamilyTIME Video? We're glad you asked! A FamilyTIME video is a three to five minute fast-moving DVD edited together from your existing video, sorted by subject and bundled together with your favorite song. For example, "Baby's First Year" might be a four minute presentation with an appropriate song playing under it. What an emotional piece - and your family will love it! Our experience reveals that people enjoy videos that, like a good meal, are prepared, seasoned and presented on a silver platter. Let us help you take your very best shots, group them by subject, add titles and a few special effects, put appropriate music underneath it all and create a concise, powerful video masterpiece. Best of all, you get a FamilyTIME DVD to show now - and we can keep your videos on file to be updated. Have beaches always been a part of your summer? Distill your best footage into a five minute DVD, incorporate titles (Everything is Just Beachy?) and complete it with beach music. Does summer include traveling and visiting friends? Narrow down the most poignant moments of each past reunion; add some special effects (Slow Motion might be good) and make a moving tribute using a heartwarming song as the soundtrack. What a great gift to bring with you as you revisit them this summer. Kids in Little League? How impressive is a fast-moving documentary of every hit set to a baseball tune? Start with their very first year and show them growing in stature and skill - all the way to today. And when the summer's over add this current season! Don't forget, we can make one tape transfer or one copy as well. No job is too big or too small. Call us today to learn how you can document the days of summer past and future into a bite-sized FamilyTIME video masterpiece.

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